Can I Run BBL’s Profit System In the Cloud? You Bet!

  As the pioneer in Bridal Point of Sale Solutions in the bridal industry, BBL Systems and Solutions has recognized and developed a pain-free and cost effective solution for hosting The Profit System in the Cloud that requires only an internet connection. Who Would Benefit From Running Profit System In The Cloud If you like [...]

The Profit System From BBL Systems and Solutions Shines During COVID Lock Down

There really is no denying that COVID-19 has been the most significant event in our lives to hit the bridal industry. It seems like it was only last week that we were all complaining about the disruption Coronavirus was having on our supply chains when it first hit in China in December and early January.  [...]

Haven’t Updated your Bridal Profit System point of sale Recently? Best To Do It Now

Top Features of The Latest Update Been a while since you last updated The Profit System?  While it might feel like you saving time or saving money (if you don't have a support contract), you could actually be hurting your business, making your employee's lives harder, and costing your more money in productivity in the [...]

The Importance of a Backup – Defense against data loss

Do yourself a Favor and Back-up It is critical to perform daily backups of your data with so many threats that can destroy it. Viruses (like CryptoLocker), aging hard drives, natural disasters, accidents, shop fires and other threats that you cannot control or prevent. A simple backup can be a business savior and is so easy to do. [...]